Block Salt
This salt comes in 8Kg bags with two blocks in each. It is suitable for all types of Block Salt Water Softeners including Harveys and Kinetico.
Most customers with modern machines can expect to use 3/4 block per person per month.
10kg tablet salt
This tablet salt is sometimes called chunks or pills by customers. It is available in these 10kg bags which have a small handle on top to make lifting easier.
These are far easier to get into your water softener than granular or 25kg bags. The price is also very competattive.
25kg tablet salt
These 25kg salt offer the very best value for money and reliability of product. Beware 25kg is heavy and there is no handle.
All granular water softeners generally benfit from tablet salt and it is easier for the user to put the product into the brine tank.
25kg granular salt
Big bags that are heavy! This is the world of granular salt for water softeners. We keep it in stock.
Please look at tablet salt as it will be suitable for most water softeners and it is easier for the user.
If you have a small manual water softener then you are stuck with this product or you could fit a modern automatic unit and save time. This way for advice>>